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Working With Your High and Low Energy Cycles In Your Astrology Chart


The transiting Sun moves around your astrological chart and highlights specific energies throughout the year that you want to sync up with to optimize the most of these cycles.


We'll take a look at both the three high energy periods and the three low energy periods that you may experience throughout the year, so you can plan accordingly and adjust your expectations of yourself.


I recommend taking notes so you can keep track of these energy periods for yourself!


Watch this over on my YouTube channel right here.




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Now Here! Prosper With Conscious Financial Organization Online Program


You are the CFO and CEO of your life. Now is the perfect time to take conscious steps towards your best financial future, especially in our current climate where it can be easy to slip into overwhelm, confusion, and stagnation around your financial well-being. 


My newest program, "Prosper with Conscious Financial Planning", guides you to clearer financial management and organization across 6 individual on-demand webinars.


This is a financial education program with a high-level perspective of your financial choices, options, and areas to explore to put you on the best possible path based on where you are right now.


In this program, you will gain insights and direction on:

  • creating your current living balance sheet 

  • analyzing your cash flow mechanics 

  • financial gravity and a demonstration of how it works in your life

  • the most important healthy habit to establish now

  • understanding how your financial treadmill operates

  • ...

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50% off! 2021 Soul Growth Astrology ~ A Year of Soul Advancements

With only a few months left in 2021, you can still discover how the final 2 eclipses, the third Saturn-Uranus square, and the end of the year energies will show up for you.


- Learn how to navigate the three Mercury retrograde periods in your chart and make plans accordingly now for the year ahead
- Get a heads up on the powerful Venus retrograde in Capricorn energies that will transform you and the world in late 2021 
- Understand how the North Node in Gemini is activating parts of your life from 2002 and 2003
- Be ready for Jupiter to expand you in multiple areas of life by moving through all of Aquarius and into the early degrees of Pisces
- Understand new soul solutions that begin with the Jupiter - Saturn conjunction in Aquarius in December 2020, and then grows into higher potentials throughout 2021
- See where Saturn in Aquarius activates a strong sense of self, fresh ideas and clearer Aquarian Age energies for your path now
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Join Us In The Galactic Center



The Galactic Center is a private online platform where Molly shares channeled messages and guidance from high-vibe sources to support your energetic alignment. 


Many cosmic messages are only shared in this private space in order to protect the information as it comes through. 


Once you sign-in, you can access all current messages now. 


You'll also receive an email when a new message is posted. 


Sign up here for free



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50% off Newest Astrology Course: How To Read Your Solar Return Chart Online Program


Every solar return chart is an energy signature for the year ahead.


Together, we'll journey through the main astrology and major themes of your solar return chart so you have a heads up on what the year ahead will involve and highlight in your soul's growth.


Over 8 prerecorded video teachings, you'll learn the main energies and themes in your solar return chart, including: 

  • What the Sun and Moon signify in your solar return

  • Why a New Moon, Full Moon, or Eclipse on your birthday coincides with Divine Timing

  • The importance of any retrograde personal planets 

  • What the major aspects are highlighting for you about the year ahead

  • Where each of the outer planets is speaking to you through an area of growth, development, and change

  • How to pinpoint main themes in your solar return chart

  • A deeper look at each of the 12 houses in your solar return

  • Plus, a lot more details and specifics to be aware of for your upcoming year and what will be...

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New! Let's AMPLIFY Your Online Business And Get 50% off


With so many big changes and shifts happening in our lives, you may feel it's time for you to go bigger and trust the direction that inspires you now.  


Many of us are following a passion that is unique, special, inspiring -- and scary at times because it can feel like A LOT needs to get done and you don't want to mess up or do it wrong. 


And chances are high, that most of the work for your business is on your plate as a solopreneur or entrepreneur who is building it all on your own. 


Sound familiar? 

Then I hope I can help you.


Because of all of these factors (and more), I created a new business development program made for those of us doing *SO MUCH* on our own... while feeling the pull of our soul's work to keep going forward... and wanting to do everything "right" without wasting money, hours in a day, or getting sidetracked.... and looking to see long-term results for what we put into everything we create and...

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50% off! Learn Transits In Your Astrology Chart

Are you interested in learning even more about these transiting energies in your natal chart?
Astrology transits are the current planetary energies of the moment. Chances are, you're looking for this information on a regular basis as you learn about your astrology sign and chart. 
In this intermediate level astrology course, I'll teach you how to connect the astrology dots and understand what is showing up in your chart at a more personal level.
~ Take a look at the area of life calling for your greatest attention right now and where your physical energy is at its highest for the next month.
~ Make the most of where you are easily supported and how you are receptive to greater joy in specifics houses in your chart.
~ Get better acquainted with your personal healing journey and where your Higher Self is also traveling with you.
~Feel stronger around where you are being required to "work for it" in your life and...
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On Sale! Learn Your True Relationship Needs In This Astrology Course


Get To The Heart and Soul of How You Love, Connect, and Share With Others


Relationships, love, and marriage are often one of the most important areas of our lives. 


Your astrology chart holds specific answers, guidance, and important energies around what you need for compatibility, emotional connection, joy, friendship, and romance.


When you are aware of these parts of yourself, you begin to fine-tune who you draw in for relationships, partnerships, friendships, and business connections. You honor and respect your needs on deeper levels, and understand how you show up in connections with others. 


This higher awareness creates a whole new vibration in all of your relationships. 


Whether you are looking for a long-term romantic partner, the right business connections, or friendships that will go the distance, your astrology chart provides you with clear wisdom and answers around your compatibility...

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5 Essential Channels for Your Online Platform

Your online presence postures your business + books to people around the world who are looking for you - but is it as strong as it could be? It is easy to be overwhelmed by everything we need to accomplish in a week - muchless in a single day - and you can forget essential components that bolster your online profile.


In this show, Molly will share with you 5 Online Essentials you need in place these days to ensure you are maximizing and optimizing your online presence.


Listen here


You'll get tips and pointers for:

  • Website Essentials
  • Social Media Channel Essentials
  • Email Marketing Channel Essentials
  • Relationship Development Channel Essentials
  • Sales Channel Essentials


Plus, a Time Management Strategy to be clear on where you need to focus your efforts weekly.


Get the free checklist right here



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Know You, Like You, Trust You

What is the big secret to sales?


I know that question alone can be uncomfortable, especially for those of us who don't want to be 'sales-y' or feel like we have to manipulate people with the right words in order to get them to buy something from us (YUCK!). 


More importantly, how can you generate trust with people?


Your ability to be authentic and real is truly your greatest sales strategy.


Watch this short video in my free video library to help shift the energy of 'sales' within you.


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