Amazing Professionals For Your Soul Growth

Good People In Human Design, Intuitive Healing, Spiritual Growth, Galactic Teachings, Creative Development, Writing, and More For You To Check Out

Years of Experience

Walk Their Talk

Professional & Trustworthy

Astrology Sessions

Astrology Healing Sessions

Galactic Astrology and Starseed Energies

                 Meet Riley Callaway           Meet Ulrika Sullivan    


Weekly Astrology Updates

Financial Astrology

Intuitive Sessions and Psychic Readings

Meet Tracy Kumbera               


Human Design System Sessions


Meet Ava Collett             Meet Carolyn Ford


Akashic Records Sessions


Meet Irma Kaye Sawyer           Meet Jodi Lovoi


The Celtic Wheel and Women's Group Work

Energy Clearing and Light Codes Work

Ho'Oponopono Guidance and Deep Soul Healing

As Mentioned On My Podcast


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Two Step

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