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New! How will the Nodes of Fate impact your life into early 2025?


The Nodes of Fate move through Aries and Libra from July 2023 to January 2025, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to grow into more of your true self.


Let's dive into what this means for you personally as we explore the energies of Aries and Libra in your natal chart by expression, house placement, and previous cycles of growth. 


- How the Nodes move through your chart

- New fated developments to trust and begin

- The 19-year Nodal Journey - Reversal, Square, Return

- What the Nodes bring up in each of the 12 astrology houses

- The North Node in Aries themes

- Big energy periods with the transiting planets in Aries

- Activating natal planets in Aries

- The South Node in Libra themes

- Closing out karmic and past life connections

- Why the South Node will be significant for generations of people


Please bring your natal astrology chart to this course.


Check it out right here 


Intermediate level astrology. It...

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50% off! Get caught up on 2023 Astrology: The Biggest Astrology Since 2020!



50% off for a limited time


2023 brings in significant turning points as Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, and the Nodes of Fate change signs.


In fact, it is the biggest astrology we've experienced since 2020 - so let's be ready for it as much as we can!


We'll journey through all of the main energy of the year, including:


- Learn how to navigate the four Mercury retrograde periods in your chart and make plans accordingly now in your life


- Get a heads up on the powerful Venus retrograde in Leo energies that are in effect during the middle of 2023


- Understand how new areas of soul growth open up with the North Node moving into Aries


- Be ready for fast-moving Jupiter to highlight Divine Timing by moving through all of Aries and stabilizing energies in Taurus 


- See where Saturn in Pisces focuses your energies with completion and release for your path now


- Identify how Uranus, the North...

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February 5 Leo Full Moon: Highlighting Mid-Eclipse Process Changes, Centering In Your Heart Space


The Leo Full Moon at 17 degrees on February 5 is triggering the ongoing eclipse points in Scorpio and Taurus, signaling where more changes are necessary as you move through a growth process.


The Sun and Moon are both squaring Uranus in Taurus, stirring up changes and discomfort at the same time, as we are being guided to connect with our courage through these destabilizing energies.


Leo energy brings us back into our heart space and solar plexus to know our talents, light, and self-expression with empowerment. Calling energy back to you may bring you renewed clarity. This is also Saturn's last month in Aquarius before entering Pisces in early March.


Much more to share in this lunar video right here.



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Aquarius New Moon on January 21, 2023

The Aquarius New Moon at 2 degrees is a period of energy beginning for next steps in the new year, as well as a time to look at what you're ready to put into action and amplify as both the Sun and Moon interact with energetic Jupiter and Mars.


Venus is moving to an exact conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius, bringing seriousness to finances, connections, partnerships, and how you accept yourself. Aquarius energy taps into seeing what is unconventional, avant garde and takes us  beyond what is known, so there could be ideas coming in that feel a bit risky, but are also exciting and interesting.
Mercury and Mars are now direct, and Uranus is stationing direct at nearly 15 degrees Taurus during this New Moon. All planets moving forward means movement is picking up, and it will be easier to get going on what is authentically calling to you.

Check it out right here

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2023 Zero Point Activations

2023 activates multiple zero point energies through outer planets and the Nodes of Fate, signaling a powerful theme of beginnings, new cycles, fresh energies, and deep integrations unfolding.

We've been intensely evolving internally for a number of years, especially as soul lessons, healing, and deep themes have been coming up for personal realizations.

The discomfort has always had a Divine purpose. The discomfort has been there to serve you in re-connecting to more of your power, heart, intuition, and knowingness.

As the energies flow towards these zero points, it could feel like you were in a void, or maybe currently in a void, which is confirmation of what has left, what you have released, and how much personal work you've invested in that is changing your vibration.

You may sense a 'quietness' in this stage of surrender. You may feel your energy systems have calmed down, after initial stages of fear, doubt, grief, and uncertainty.

After the void, a shift begins to...

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Let's Cruise Through 2023 Together!


Mark your calendars and start planning for an adventure!


Join me on an amazing cruise as we sail from Seattle to the awe-inspiring glaciers and ports of Alaska from Sept. 1 to 8, 2023.

I am really excited to invite you to sail with me to Alaska with an amazing lineup of spiritual teachers, readers, healers, shamanic teachers, and intuitives!


I'll be teaching one astrology workshop... and you'll have access to other workshops by other spiritual teachers and healers that interest you, especially during our 'at sea' days.

Our "Sail with Spirit" Cruise and Seminar-at-Sea takes place right on our luxury cruise ship during our seven-day cruise, in conference rooms on the ship, and during our port calls in Alaska and Canada.

Sailing in early September is prime time for better weather, too.

I went on an Alaskan cruise back in 2014 and absolutely loved it.... I'm excited to experience it again because I've heard it's one of those scenic trips where it's different...

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