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New Astrology Course! Learn About Your Significant Lifetime Energies With Progressions


Your progressed astrology chart holds deeper insights into your ongoing growth, development, and life chapters as it describes the bigger themes you are moving through.


Your progressed astrology chart reveals how your energy continues to grow and evolve throughout the years, and offers more specifics on life lessons, timing of events, and significant new developments.


Over a series of online video teachings, you'll learn how to read the main energies and themes in your progressed chart, including: 

  • How your progressed Sun moves in your life on a yearly basis
  • The significance of your progressed Moon and its 30 month cycle
  • The importance of any retrograde personal planets in your chart, especially when they change direction in your progressed chart
  • Why your progressed Ascendant is key to your personal evolution
  • How the progressed Midheaven signifies important life changes
  • What the major aspects are highlighting for you in your progressed energies
  • Where each...
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Learn Your Astrological Big 3 - ONLINE or In-Person In Melbourne, FL


Discover more of your unique energy as I guide you through the "Big 3" in your natal astrology chart: Sun sign, Moon sign, and Rising sign. 


These 3 energies create a unique combination of how you present yourself, your personal needs, and your ongoing self-development.


We'll cover the basics of astrology and the importance of your astrological energy signature - both in-person and online!


Introductory astrology information for beginners.  

Bring a notebook and pen for notes.


Tuesday, Dec 06, 2022

6:00 PM – 8:00 PM


The Chacana Spiritual Center

2299 Sarno Rd

Melbourne, FL 32935, USA


Check out more details and sign-up here



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Let's Cruise Through 2023 Together!


Mark your calendars and start planning for an adventure!


Join me on an amazing cruise as we sail from Seattle to the awe-inspiring glaciers and ports of Alaska from Sept. 1 to 8, 2023.

I am really excited to invite you to sail with me to Alaska with an amazing lineup of spiritual teachers, readers, healers, shamanic teachers, and intuitives!


I'll be teaching one astrology workshop... and you'll have access to other workshops by other spiritual teachers and healers that interest you, especially during our 'at sea' days.

Our "Sail with Spirit" Cruise and Seminar-at-Sea takes place right on our luxury cruise ship during our seven-day cruise, in conference rooms on the ship, and during our port calls in Alaska and Canada.

Sailing in early September is prime time for better weather, too.

I went on an Alaskan cruise back in 2014 and absolutely loved it.... I'm excited to experience it again because I've heard it's one of those scenic trips where it's different...

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Taurus Lunar Eclipse Breakthroughs and Powerful Developments

You deserve more. You deserve better. You deserve a life worthy of your biggest dreams.


But do you hold a stable frequency across all of your energy fields that embraces this level of manifestation? There must be a solid foundation of self-worth and a deep connection with your innate power to hold and stabilize the higher frequency.


The Taurus Lunar Eclipse on November 8th at 16 degrees is directly conjunct Uranus RX at the same degree point and working with the North Node in Taurus. The Moon is feeling the profound activations from Uranus and the North Node, which is taking you further than you've been - and it's happening quickly.


The most personal frequency of the Moon is being jolted and electrified beyond comfort. It's not easy, smooth, or peaceful. You may feel pushed or required to do something that feels terrifying.

Typical safety mechanisms won't work. But it's necessary to propel you forward into the new energies that support this growth now.


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Heart Merkabah Activations + Soul Empowerment


Multidimensional heart shifts are arriving with the Venus Star Point Portal and Scorpio Solar Eclipse Energies!


Intense changes are happening deep within our energies as a soul transformation is underway. Cellular reprogramming is occurring which can feel like we're purging and birthing simultaneously.


We are clearing out karmic energies we've been holding in the density of our beings and allowing these to move through us while maintaining only the higher frequencies of truth and wisdom.

Venus themes are powerfully amplified through the solar consciousness of the sun and the lunar consciousness of the moon.

Both luminaries are supporting Venus in her evolutionary growth as she receives downloads from both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies.


Venus is opening to greater harmony with every relationship you have moved through in this lifetime. She is coming to terms with her growth, lessons, challenges, healing, needs and unconsciousness. She...

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14 ebooks On Sale For Only 99 cents each!


Exciting news! My publisher just let me know that Amazon has the eBook edition of my brand new release, "Awakening Astrology" and 14 other books, on sale right now for just 99 cents!

This includes titles from authors don Miguel Ruiz Jr. and HeatherAsh Amara, too!

Click here to see the full list of titles you can choose from for only 99-cents each

The sale is for a LIMITED TIME (WE DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW LONG IT WILL LAST!), so be sure to act quickly if you want to take advantage of this unique opportunity to grab some great books.

Remember, you don’t need a Kindle or other special device to read these books, they can be read on any smart phone, tablet, or computer.

Happy reading!


PS. The sale is available on the Amazon USA website for now, but check Amazon in your country to see if it’s on sale there, too!


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Join Me In Scottsdale! Celebrate Your Life with Astrology, Expansion, Spiritual Growth



If you LOVE spiritual expansion, *astrology*, inspiring personal insights, Conversations with God, Agape wisdom, returning to LOVE, and tapping into your spiritual gifts...

well then...

have I got an INCREDIBLE event to invite you to in late October!


Join me for a weekend of amazingness at 

Celebrate Your Life in Scottsdale, AZ  from October 28th to 31st!




Get ready for profound learning, laughter, and guidance from some of the leading minds in spiritual learning, including...


Michael Bernard Beckwith,

Neale Donald Walsh,

Lisa Williams,

Matt Kahn,

Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.,

Gabby Bernstein,

Sunny Dawn Johnston,

Dougall Fraser,

and more!


There is no greater magic than being together LIVE in the room when transformation happens.


Every cell in your body will be vibrating with love, and your spirit will soar with joy and gratitude for giving yourself permission to be a part of this high-vibration...

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Equinox Energies Balancing and Refining

Twice a year, the earth energetically returns to a balancing point of equal daylight and moonlight as we are supported in returning our frequencies, bodies, and life force to a zero point of stillness. 


Twice a year, we can re-adjust ourselves to be in tune with the pulsing energies of the Universe and allow ourselves to be in sync with the flows and expressions that we naturally sense and feel. 


Twice a year, we can intentionally work with the natural transition of the seasons and feel a deep appreciation for how we are innately connected to this ongoing cycle of life.


The Libra Equinox occurs on Sept 22nd & 23rd, opening up a zero point of new potentials, balance, peace, and internal harmony. 

This annual transition ushers in the next season of growth, expression, connections, and change. The zodiac wheel moves from the internally focused signs of personal development into the externally focused signs of interactions. It is a...

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Amazing Weekend of Creativity + Win A Book Deal From My Publisher!


Mark your calendar for a beautiful weekend of expansion, creativity, art, and personal transformation - and yes, astrology, too!


Join us at The Gathering of the Creatives ONLINE weekend experience for an amazing activation of your creative spark and authentic self-expression that perhaps has been hidden or suppressed or waiting for permission to be heard - and this is exactly the environment where you can unleash more of who you are, and watch it grow in a supportive space. 


I will be sharing more insights around your creativity and your astrology chart - a topic I'm teaching for the first time! And needless to say, I am so thrilled to be working alongside such powerhouse luminaries who have personally inspired me for years.


Join Elizabeth Gilbert, SARK, Flora Bowley, HeatherAsh Amara, don Jose Ruiz, Nick Seluk, Anatola Araba, Whitney Reya, Dr. Eric Maisel, Dr. Marie Mbouni, and many more top-notch teachers for this incredible online event, taking...

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Cosmic Revelations: A 7 Week Astrology Summit

I'm STOKED to share with you this special collection of astrologers with very unique and different approaches to astrology!


Portal To Ascension’s 2022 Cosmic Revelations Series, with creatrix and host Shima Moore, will explore in-depth conversations about “real astrology” with seven astrologers in hopes of offering a balm to our innermost fears, challenges, hopes, desires, and thoughts about the who, what and why of our lives during these unsettling and illuminating times.

This curated group of world-renown astrologers including Molly McCord, David Palmer, Heather Ensworth, Tom Jacobs, Barbara Hand Clow, Daniel Giamario and Rick Levine, will shine a light on current events, history, art, physics, timelines, cultural happenings and so much more, from a cosmological perspective that reflects our importance in the divine plan and how each of us is specifically woven into the universal design.
The free Summit on June 29th will...
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