Why Is Everyone Else Doing Better Than Me?

Does it appear that "everyone else" is making more money, increasing their email list subscribers, hitting the highest numbers, and succeeding easily right now?


The Comparison Game is rampant these days, and yet there are mindful ways to stop it in its tracks.


It is important to remain present and powerful in what YOU are doing - and to understand that all that glitters is not gold out there.


I'll share with you ways to validate what you are doing and turn your attention away from what others are experiencing.


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Business and Books with Molly McCord:

Inspiring, real world stories every week about clients, readers, business and books to support building your dream career. We'll discuss Business and Books topics to help you grow as an entrepreneur, author, solopreneur, healer, or anyone offering their gifts to the world. With over 25 years of sales, marketing and business experience, Molly shares with you realistic insights, tips, training, and guidance to ensure your vision grows and expands with practical application and understanding.

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