Free Workshop: Mastering Abundance In Your Spiritual Business



Many of us as healers, spiritual guides, and experts are doing business in new ways as part of the global shift. As we follow our dreams and create our unique path as we go, often times being financially supported becomes up as one of the main priorities on our minds. Will the right clients show up? How do I promote my work without giving it all away? What do I have to do to receive financial abundance?


Your work is bigger than just you, so I have created an online course to support the energy of abundance as you grow your business and help more people. Mastering Abundance In Your Spiritual Business is for anyone who wants to establish their offerings with confidence and get results - is that you? 


We'll look at the spiritual importance we give money; why your business is the perfect opportunity to look at karmic patterns and old programming; the significance around determining your rates and pricing; and important considerations to be aware of with boundaries, branding, and numbers. Plus even more is covered across 9 easy-to-follow sections and 11 essential points. 


Abundance comes in numerous forms to support our work in the world - and this wisdom will make sure you are open to all of it!


To get started, enjoy a free workshop to clear karmic-related energies in your auric field and move beyond previous limiting roles you've played in other lifetimes.


Sign up for this free workshop right here


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