$22.00 USD


Soul Growth with the Nodes of Fate - NN in Pisces, SN in Virgo

The Nodes of Fate move through Pisces and Virgo from January 2025 to July 2026, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to embrace more intuition, compassion, soul gifts, and healing.

Let's dive into what this means for you personally as we explore the energies of Pisces and Virgo in your natal chart by expression, house placement, and previous cycles of growth.

We'll also discuss the Nodal Return, Nodal Reversal, and the Nodal square.


- How the Nodes move through your chart

- New fated developments to trust and begin

- The 19-year Nodal Journey - Reversal, Square, Return

- What the Nodes bring up in each of the 12 astrology houses

- The North Node in Pisces themes

- Big energy periods with the transiting planets in Pisces

- The North Node activating growth and opportunities for natal planets in Pisces

- The South Node in Virgo themes

- Closing out jobs, work, and purpose to align with new meaning

- Why the Nodes of Fate will be significant for millions of people born in the 1960s


Please bring your astrology chart to this course.


Intermediate level astrology. It is necessary to already know astrology basics for this course: signs, planets, houses, and aspects.


Go at your own pace as we cover what the Nodes of Fate will bring up in your chart.


Every class is taught online through a prerecorded webinar format.


Available to watch on phone, tablet, mobile devices, and desktop computers.  


The small print:

  • You receive ongoing access to this online course.
  • Only one person may access a course per an account and must be the main email account holder.
  • Due to the immediate access of this program, there are no refunds after purchase.
  • Payment is accepted through PayPal or Stripe. 
  • Rates are listed in USD. For other currencies, the PayPal should populate the correct amount based on your location.
  • It's an honor to serve and support you! I never take it for granted.